
Showing posts from November, 2022

Simple Loan Agreement - Best Practices to Know

  What is a Simple Loan? A Simple Loan Agreement is an agreement between two persons or entities in terms of which monies are lent from the lender to the borrower for repayment either with interest or without.  Whether you are a single person giving a personal loan to a friend or a commercial bank lending to its client, it is advisable to have a legal loan contract that spells out the terms of the loan. To ensure all areas are covered in the document, you need to follow these best practices. What  Loan Agreement comprises It compromises an expert team of the contract lawyers that will custom fit your Loan Agreement to the unique needs of your business by setting out, among others, how the loan is advanced, is repaid and will be managed, coupled with interest rates and the breach provisions if the loan is not repaid. What to Include Title: The title of the loan that indicates document and lets anyone who reads it understand what it is.  Loan Parties and business: Bo...

Benefits of Having Template Shareholders Agreement

  A shareholders' agreement, also called a stockholders' agreement, is an arrangement among shareholders that describes how a company should be operated and outlines shareholders' rights and obligations.Legal Authorities provides template shareholders agreement that provides all the information related to the company. The agreement also includes information on the management of the company and privileges and protection of shareholders.  The shareholders' agreement is intended to ensure that shareholders are treated fairly and their rights are protected. The agreement includes sections outlining the fair and legitimate pricing of shares (particularly when sold). It also allows shareholders to make decisions about what outside parties may become future shareholders and provides safeguards for minority positions. Legal Authorities usually prepares a multitude of Shareholders Agreements over a long period of time has allowed us to select the most pertinent clauses and inse...